


序号 图片 材料 预估数量
1 卓越饲料(黄)
2 生羊肉
3 优质生肉
4 熟羊肉
5 优质熟肉
6 生肉
7 蔬菜
8 紫色浆果
9 熟肉
10 浆果

我相信恐狒已被ARK的生存环境所改变。这个物种绝对比我记忆中的任何化石记录都要大。这些超大的狒狒表现出比我想象中的同类更注重群体的行为。整个部队会围绕一个首领组织起来,如果首领被杀,就会分崩离析。 虽然它们似乎更喜欢以水果为食,偶尔吃点肉(杂食),但恐狒是机会主义者,几乎什么都吃。它们也是优秀的攀爬者--我见过它们爬上悬崖峭壁,在树间跳跃,为它们的队伍搜刮食物。 恐狒会露出锋利的牙齿,并在受到挑衅时抛出生化武器————自己的排泄物。它们的粪便是这个物种的真正特点 -- 他们已经设法将其中的一种寄生虫武器化:使TEK失效!我觉得这种寄生虫应该有自己独立的档案资料。 家养
如果你能设法驯服足够多的恐狒,你很快就会发现自己有一支小部队供你支配。你的小部队会围绕着你驯养的最强壮的恐狒组织起来,他们的新首领可以用嘶哑的战斗叫声指挥他们攻击目标。 不需要给你驯服的恐狒上鞍,它就会用自己的尾巴为你做一个。只要抓紧了,它就会带着你直接上墙和穿越云霄。 在战斗中,你的恐龙会投掷粪便炸弹、手榴弹或一种我称之为EBM的组合,即爆炸性肠道运动。
Common name: Dinopithecus
Species: Dinopithecus Anedmundius
Time: Pliocene-Pleistocene
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Aggressive in large groups, Skittish in small groups
I believe Dinopithecus has been changed by ARK life. This species is definitely larger than any I remember from the fossil record. And these oversized baboons show a more pack-oriented behavior than I would've expected in their kind. Whole troops will organize around an alpha, and fall apart if that alpha is slain. Though they seem to prefer a diet of fruit supplemented with the occasional bit of meat, Dinopitheci are opportunistic and will eat just about anything. They're also excellent climbers -- I've seen them scramble up sheer cliff faces and leap between trees to scavenge food for their troop. Dinopitheci will bare sharp teeth and toss well-aimed handfuls of their own excrement when provoked. Their feces is what really sets this species apart -- they've managed to weaponize a parasite in it that disables TEK! I feel like that parasite deserves its own dossier.
If you can manage to tame enough Dinopitheci , you'll soon find yourself with a small troop at your disposal. Your mini-troop will organize around the strongest of your tames, their new alpha that can then direct them at a target with a shrieked battle-cry. No need to saddle your tamed Dinopithecus to ride it -- it will make one for you using its own tail. Just hold on tight, and it will take you straight up walls and across ziplines. In battle, your Dinopithecus will fling fecal projectiles, grenades, or a combination that I like to call EBM, for Explosive Bowel Movement.


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