从远处很难相信风神翼龙是岛上最大的鸟类之一。它的轮廓与无齿翼龙很相似,而在近处观察,你会发现它要大的多。 我对这么大又威风的野兽竟然会这么易受惊感到很奇怪。与其他拥有这般体型的生物不同,风神翼龙比起战斗更倾向于逃跑。 我猜测,从任何麻烦中逃跑就是风神翼龙能在这么多危险捕食者的岛上存活下来的主要原因。我忽然发现我从来没见过风神翼龙落到地面过。它是如何获得充足的食物来支撑自己庞大的身躯么?
Common name: Quetzal
Species: Quetzalcoatlus conchapicem
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Skittish
From afar it's hard to believe that Quetzalcoatlus is the largest avian on the Island. It shares a similar silhouette with the Pteranodon but, upon closer inspection, is a far more enormous creature. I find it strange that such a large, imposing beast would be so skittish. Unlike other creatures of its size, it is more likely to flee than fight. I suppose the decision to flee from any trouble keeps the species alive on an Island with so many dangerous predators. Which reminds me, I don't believe I've ever seen a wild Quetzalcoatlus touch the ground. How does it manage to eat enough to sustain its massive size?
Tamed Quetzalcoatlus have a very specific role on the island. Too slow to be an efficient local transport, and too obvious a target to be an effective warbird, the tribes I've encountered tend to employ it as a mass carrier. Quetzalcoatlus is primarily used by these masters of the skies to safely ferry vast quantities of supplies, creatures, and human cargo from one base to another without tiring.