残暴羽王龙被认为是霸王龙的亲戚,但是乍看显然大不相同。在相同情况下与其他兽脚类恐龙相比,有羽生物未必是危险的掠食者。而进入恐袭状态的羽王龙甚至可说是岛上最娴熟的猎人。 鲜有掠食者像羽王龙这样,能够与不怀好意的食肉牛龙轻易地并肩协作。这也是我所见过的唯一一种能够通过咆哮引发持续恐慌的生物。为了活命,大部分的生物听闻皆会仓皇逃命。
驯服后的羽王龙可作为强大的战争武器或作为护卫。凭借它的怒吼,它可以引发敌对生物内心深处的恐惧。 同时,羽王龙亦能提高己方及同盟的士气和决心,抵消敌方试图引发恐慌的战吼。这些独有的领导品质使羽王龙游刃有余。又是在大规模战争中己方最重要的生物。
Common name: Yutyrannus
Species: Yutyrannus saevus
Time: Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
The Yutyrannus saevus is believed to be related to the Tyrannosaurus rex, but it is noticeably different upon first glance. Feathered creatures are not necessarily viewed as dangerous predators in the same light as other theropods. However, the Yutyrannus strikes fear into even the Island's most skilled hunters. There are few wild predators that are able to pack-hunt alongside the generally hostile Carnotaurus, like the Yutyrannus does, with such ease. It is also the only creature I've seen to consistently induce a state of panic in opponents with its roar. Upon hearing it, most creatures in the area will flee for safety.
A domesticated Yutyrannus can be a powerful offensive or defensive addition to war parties. With its mighty roar, it can induce fear in opposing creatures. Meanwhile, Yutyrannus can be trained to develop a confidence-boosting Battle-Cry which counteracts enemy attempts to induce fear, while also bolstering the resolve of allies, and may even draw wild Carnotaurus to its aid. These unique "leadership" qualities make the Yutyrannus a versatile, and at times, a necessary creature to have on your side during large-scale confrontations!